Understanding Application Architecture


TODO - Include an architecture diagram

TODO - Include description

Application vs Core API

  • Why we have two API

  • What is static and what is dynamic

What is the static API ?

What is the dynamic API ?

Why are there 2 APIs ? What is the difference ?

How does the `backend` work ?

TODO - Add some content here

How does the `frontend` work ?

How does it all integrate ?

What is the full stack ?

  • Typescript

  • React

  • CSS->Tailwind->Preline

  • Storybook

  • Next.js

  • NextAuth

  • AWS Cognito

  • OpenAPI

  • GraphQL

  • Golang

  • HCL / Atlas DDL?

  • Postgres

  • MinIO / s3

  • AWS Route53

  • AWS Lambda

  • gRPC

  • Python

Last updated